List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Graph Theory
Contents: Selective Booleans

Action: Creates a graph used in graph theory.

Filename: sbool/sbool_scm/selective_scm.cxx

APIs: api_create_graph_from_cells, api_create_graph_from_edges, api_create_graph_from_faces, api_pm_lookup_entity

Syntax: (graph {graph-string | face-ent-list | cell-list}


Arg Types: graph-string string

face-ent-list entity | (entity ...)

cell-list cell | (cell ...)

acis-opts acis-options

Returns: graph

Description: This extension creates a graph that can be used for graph theory operations and selective Booleans. When creating a graph using a graph-string, the entire string must be within double quotation marks. The vertex names within the string can be any number of characters long without spaces or dashes (-). Edges between vertices are indicated by a dash. The items in the list of graph items within the string are separated by spaces.

When creating a graph using face-ent-list, the entities within the entity list must be face entities. The face entities become vertices of the graph. The ACIS topology is analyzed to determine which faces are connected. The connections between faces become edges (or dashes) of the graph.

When creating a graph using cell-list, the list must contain cells from Cellular Topology. The ACIS topology is analyzed to determine which cells are connected. The connections between cells become edges (or dashes) of the graph.

graph-string is an input string that can be used for creating a graph.

face-ent-list is an input entity that can be used for creating a graph.

cell-list is an input cell that can be used for creating a graph.

The optional acis-opts contains parameters for versioning and journaling.

Example: ; graph

; Create a simple example

(define g1 (graph "me-you us-them"))

;; g1

; Create an example using entities.

(define b1 (solid:block (position -5 -10 -20)

(position 5 10 15)))

;; b1

(define faces1 (entity:faces b1))

;; faces1

; Turn the block faces into vertices of the graph.

(define g3 (graph faces1))

;; g3