List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Booleans, Graph Theory
Contents: Kernel

Action: Performs a Boolean unite operation of two graphs.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/graph_scm.cxx

Syntax: (graph:unite in-graph1 in-graph2)

Arg Types: in-graph1 graph

in-graph2 graph

Returns: graph

Description: Given two graphs, this extension returns a new graph that is a Boolean union of the two.

in-graph1 and in-graph2 specifies the graph.

Example: ; graph:unite

; Create some simple graphs.

(define g1 (graph "I-me me-myself myself-mine I-we

we-us us-them"))

;; g1

(define g2 (graph "he-she it-thing they-those us-we


;; g2

(define g3 (graph:unite g1 g2))

;; g3