List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Laws, Model Topology
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a law entity data type composed of one law function.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

APIs: api_law_to_entity

Syntax: (law:make-entity {some-law-functions | type}


Arg Types: some-law-functions string

law-data law | real | position | par-pos |

gvector | transform | edge | wire

type law | real | position | par-pos |

Returns: law

Description: This routine creates a law entity which can be saved and restored from a SAT file. The law does not have to be attached to model geometry.

Example: ; law:make-entity

; Create a law to use

(define law1 (law "vec(x^2,cos(x)+arctan(y))"))

;; law1

(define law-ent (law:make-entity law1))

;; law-ent