List of: Classes
Subjects: History and Roll, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Creates a history state on the specified history stream.


Filename: kern/kernel/sg_husk/history/history.hxx

Description: Takes the bulletins in the current delta state and creates a history state on the specified history stream. The current delta is left with nothing in it. Returns the newly created history state. If the current delta state is empty (has no bulletins), NULL is returned. When all is done, the current delta state is (optionally) cleared.

References: by KERN StreamFinder

Methods: public: static DELTA_STATE*

HISTORY_MANAGER::acquireCurrentDelta (

HISTORY_STREAM*, // history stream

logical clearDeltaState // clear status



Takes the bulletins in the current delta state and creates a history state on the specified history stream. The current delta is left with nothing in it. Returns the newly created history state. If the current delta state is empty (has no bulletins), NULL is returned. When all is done, the current delta state is (optionally) cleared.

public: static void HISTORY_MANAGER::changeToState (

HISTORY_STREAM* pStream, // source stream

DELTA_STATE* pTarget, // target

int& statesChanged // counter for rolling

// states


The state knows which stream it is in, so it does not need to be passed.

public: static outcome

HISTORY_MANAGER::checkDeltaForDistribute (

// delta state

StreamFinder* pStreamFinder // finds stream


Perform advance checks on a DELTA_STATE to make sure it is OK to distribute it. Thus, problems can be detected before changing any of the data structure.

public: static void

HISTORY_MANAGER::clearCurrentDelta ();

Discards all the bulletins in the current delta state and clears it.

public: static int HISTORY_MANAGER::count_bulletins (

DELTA_STATE* pState // delta state


Gets the number of bulletins in the given delta state.

public: static void

HISTORY_MANAGER::debugCurrentDelta ();

Dumps bulletin board into current delta.

public: static void HISTORY_MANAGER::detach (

ENTITY* // entity


Detaches the given entity from any history stream it may be attached to. Strips the entity of the connecting attribute.

public: static outcome

HISTORY_MANAGER::distributeDeltaState (

// delta state

StreamFinder* pStreamFinder, // stream finder

logical clearDeltaState
// clear ds flag


logical hideStates
// hide delta state



Takes the bulletins in the current delta state and "distributes" them onto history streams based on their "owning entities". Bulletins that do not belong to any entity that has a history stream attached to it are simple left in the current delta state. When all is done, the current delta state is (optionally) cleared.

public: static HISTORY_STREAM*

HISTORY_MANAGER::getAttachedStream (

ENTITY* // entity


Gets the history stream attached to this entity, if any provided here to hide details of the connecting attribute.

public: static logical


DELTA_STATE* pState // delta_state


Tests for the existence of any BULLETINs in the given state.

public: static logical HISTORY_MANAGER::makeRootDS (

DELTA_STATE* pState // given pState


Makes the given pState the root delta state of the history stream it is a part of. States prior to the given pState are deleted. The effect is that one cannot roll back over the changes in that delta state. It is useful when initializing the system to prevent rolling back over the initialization. The toolkit uses it to prevent rolling back over api_initialize_faceter.

public: static logical HISTORY_MANAGER::restore (

HISTORY_STREAM*&, // history stream

ENTITY** // entity


Restores a history stream that was saved.

public: static int HISTORY_MANAGER::rollNStates (

HISTORY_STREAM* pStream, // history stream

int nstates // number of states


Rolls a stream a given number of states or to the end of a branch, which ever comes first. Returns the number of states actually rolled.

public: static logical HISTORY_MANAGER::save (

HISTORY_STREAM*, // history stream list

ENTITY_LIST&, // entity list

logical activeOnly // active branch only

// if TRUE


Saves the history stream and associated entities.

public: static void HISTORY_MANAGER::setNewBulletin (

BULLETIN* b, // bulletin

ENTITY* n // entity


Sets the given BULLETIN to point to the given ENTITY, and sets its next and previous pointers to NULL.