List of: Classes
Subjects: History and Roll
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Used by the DistributeStates function below to find the HISTORY_STREAM corresponding to a given entity.

Derivation: StreamFinder : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/sg_husk/history/history.hxx

Description: This class is used by the DistributeStates function below to find the HISTORY_STREAM corresponding to a given entity. It gives a great deal of flexibility and supports a variety of usage scenarios. At the same time user needs to be careful during usage. This is a class, instead of function pointers, hence it can cache data or arguments without using the global data hack. Examples of implementations are:

. Find the top level owner and get the stream from an ATTRIB_HISTORY found there.

. Find the PART for the ENTITY and return the stream associated with the PART.

. Always return the same stream. This is useful when the application has some knowledge about what has transpired and knows all BULLETINs go on the same stream.


Data: public enum LookStrategy;

Type of look strategy.

Constructor: public: StreamFinder::StreamFinder ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object.

Methods: public: virtual HISTORY_STREAM* StreamFinder::findStream (

ENTITY*, //Entity Object

LookStrategy strategy //Type of look strategy

= LookNormal //

)= 0;

Function to return the HISTORY_STREAM for any entity.

public: virtual HISTORY_STREAM* StreamFinder::quick_findStream (

ENTITY* //Entity Object


Function to return the HISTORY_STREAM for any entity whose stream needs to be quickly determined. This check is very fast.