List of: Classes
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Performs save and restore to stream files.

Derivation: SabFile : BinaryFile : FileInterface : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/fileio/sabfile.hxx

Description: This class performs ACIS save and restore to stream files using the new binary format that supports unknown ENTITY data.

Constructor: public: SabFile::SabFile (

FILE* // file pointer


C++ constructor, creating a SabFile using the specified parameters.

Destructor: public: virtual SabFile::~SabFile ();

C++ destructor, deleting a SabFile.

Methods: public: virtual FilePosition SabFile::goto_mark (

FilePosition // file position


Moves the file pointer to the specified position in the SabFile.

protected: virtual size_t SabFile::read (

void* buf, // buffer for data

size_t length, // memory size

logical swap // support byte swapping


Reads data from a stream file in binary format.

public: virtual FilePosition SabFile::set_mark ();

Returns the current file position within the SabFile.

protected: virtual void SabFile::write (

const void* data, // pointer to data

size_t len, // memory size

logical swap // support byte swapping


Writes data to a stream file in binary format.