List of: Law Symbols
Subjects: Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Crates a law that transforms positions.

Derivation: transform_law_data : base_transform_law_data : law_data : ACIS_OBJECT : -

Syntax: TRANS

Description: The trans law symbol requires that my_law return positions. It produces positions that have been transformed by the my_transf. rotate is used on vectors, while trans is used to transform positions.

Example: ; law "TRANS"

; Create a transform, and then create its inverse.

(define my_trans_rot (transform:rotation

(position 0 0 0) (gvector 1 0 0) 90))

;; my_trans_rot

; => #[transform 1075284160]

(define my_trans_move (transform:translation

(gvector 1 0 0)))

;; my_trans_move

; => #[transform 1075284848]

(define my_t_comp (transform:compose

my_trans_rot my_trans_move))

;; my_t_comp

(define my_law (law "trans(vec(x,y,z),trans1)"


;; my_law

; => #[law "TRANS(VEC(X,Y,Z),TRANS1)"]

; This transforms the given law "VEC(X,Y,Z)" by

; the supplied transform, my_t_comp

(law:eval my_law (list 0 0 1))

;; (1 -1 6.12323399573677e-17)

; In this example, the input vector is (0, 0, 1).

; It gets rotated by 90 degrees, causing y to be

; -1 and then gets moved along x axis by 1.

; z is approximately zero.