List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Booleans
Contents: Selective Booleans

Action: Completes the selective Boolean process for the cells selected.

Filename: sbool/sbool_scm/selective_scm.cxx

APIs: api_selective_boolean_stage2

Syntax: (bool:select2 in-body in-cells [acis-opts])

Arg Types: in-body entity

in-cells graph | (entity ...)

acis-opts acis-options

Returns: entity

Description: This extension modifies the in-body body based on either the results of graph theory or a Cellular Topology cell list in in-cells. When in-cells contains cell entities, these are the only entities that should be kept. When in-cells is a graph, the graph could be the result of extensive graph theory operations. However, the resulting graph still maps to cells in the body and represents the cells to keep.

The mapping of cells in a graph to entities will not be the same from execution to execution.

in-body is an input entity.

in-cells is an input entity that contains either cell entities or a graph.

The optional acis-opts contains parameters for versioning and journaling.

Example: ; bool:select2

; Create a selective boolean example.

(define blank (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 25 10 10)))

;; blank

; blank => #[entity 2 1]

(define b2 (solid:block (position 5 0 0)

(position 10 5 10)))

;; b2

(define b3 (solid:block (position 15 0 0)

(position 20 5 10)))

;; b3

(define subtract (solid:subtract blank b2))

;; subtract

(define subtract2 (solid:subtract blank b3))

;; subtract2

(define tool (solid:cylinder

(position -5 2.5 5) (position 30 2.5 5)1))

;; tool

; Change the color of the tool for viewing.

(entity:set-color tool 3)

;; ()

(define g (bool:select1 blank tool))

;; g

; CAREFUL: The mapping of cell names to entities

; may not be the same each time this is run.

; Find the cells in the blank created by graph.

(define cells (entity:cells blank))

;; cells

; Put together list of things to keep.

; Leave out 2 and 6.

(define in-cells (list

(list-ref cells 0)

(list-ref cells 1)

(list-ref cells 3)

(list-ref cells 4)

(list-ref cells 5)

(list-ref cells 7)))

;; in-cells

; OUTPUT Original

(define select (bool:select2 blank in-cells))

;; select

; OUTPUT Result

Figure 2-2. bool:select2