List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Filtering
Contents: Kernel

Action: Computes the OR of two or more entity-filters.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/filt_scm.cxx

Syntax: (filter:or filt1 ... filtn)

Arg Types: filt1 entity-filter

filtn entity-filter

Returns: entity-filter

Description: Multiple filters can be combined using the Boolean or filter to form a single filter that can be applied to a single entity or a list of entities. An entity will be selected if at least one part of the combined filter returns #t.

filt1 is an entity-filter. The ellipsis ( ... ) indicates one or more entity-filters.

Example: ; filter:or

; Create solid block 1.

(define block1

(solid:block (position 10 0 10)

(position 20 30 40)))

;; block1

; Create linear edge 2.

(define edge1 (edge:linear (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; edge1

; Create circular edge 3.

(define edge2 (edge:circular (position 0 0 0) 20))

;; edge2

; Change the color of the entities so far to red.

(entity:set-color (part:entities) 1)

;; ()

; Create solid sphere 4.

(define sphere1 (solid:sphere

(position 20 30 40) 30))

;; sphere1

; Create solid sphere 5.

(define cyl1 (solid:cylinder

(position 40 0 0) (position 5 5 5) 8))

;; cyl1

; Create linear edge 6.

(define edge3 (edge:linear (position 0 50 0)

(position 50 50 0)))

;; edge3

; Create spline edge 7.

(define edge4 (edge:spline (list

(position 20 20 20) (position 10 20 30)

(position 50 40 10))))

;; edge4

; Define the green-or-solid filter.

(define green-or-solid (filter:or (filter:color 2)

(filter:type "solid?")))

;; green-or-solid

; Apply a green-or-solid filter and

; obtain the entities.

(part:entities green-or-solid)

;; (#[entity 2 1] #[entity 5 1] #[entity 6 1]

;; #[entity 7 1] #[entity 8 1])