List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Feature Naming
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns the name of the selected entity as determined by an attached annotation attribute.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/anno_scm.cxx

Syntax: (annotation:member-name annotation entity)

Arg Types: annotation entity

entity entity

Returns: string

Description: The option for "annotation" should be turned on (#t) in order for the annotations to be created during a sweep or blend operation. Likewise, the option for "unhook_annotations" should be turned off (#f) in order to view the annotations after the operation, otherwise they are automatically cleared out.

The annotation argument is technically an entity which is also an ANNOTATION.

entity specifies an entity that should have the member-name within the candidate annotation.

Example: ; annotation:member-name

; Turn on annotation options

(option:set "annotation" #t)

;; #f

(option:set "unhook_annotations" #f)

;; #t

; Create a sweep path from a wire body of edges.

(define path1 (wire-body (list (edge:linear

(position 0 0 0) (position 0 20 0))

(edge:ellipse (position 10 20 0)

(gvector 0 0 -1) (gvector -10 0 0) 1 0 90)

(edge:linear (position 10 30 0)

(position 20 30 0)))))

;; path1

; Create the profile to use in sweeping

(define profile1 (wire-body:points (list

(position 3 0 3) (position 3 0 -3)

(position -3 0 -3) (position -3 0 3)

(position 3 0 3))))

;; profile1

; Sweep the profile along the path.

(define sweep1 (sweep:law profile1 path1))

;; sweep1

(entity:set-color path1 2)

;; ()

(entity:set-color profile1 3)

;; ()


;; #[view 10814340]


;; #[view 10814340]

; OUTPUT Original

; Create some lists for verification purposes.

(define out-sw-faces (entity:faces sweep1))

;; out-sw-faces

(define out-sw-edges (entity:edges sweep1))

;; out-sw-edges

; Select a face resulting from the sweep.

(ray:queue 89.9693 -121.78 74.672 -0.408248

0.816497 -0.408248 1)

;; #[ray (89.9693 -121.78 74.672)

;; (-0.408248 0.816497 -0.408248)]

(define face1 (pick-face))

;; face1

(entity:set-color profile1 2)

;; ()

(entity:set-color face1 BLUE)

;; ()

(system:sleep 3500)

;; 3500

; Get the annotations associated with the face.

(define face1_annos (entity:annotations face1))

;; face1_annos

(define anno1 (list-ref face1_annos 0))

;; anno1

(entity:debug anno1)

;; "sweep_anno_edge_lat"

; Get the inputs for this annotation.

(define anno1_inputs (annotation:inputs anno1))

;; anno1_inputs

(define edge1 (list-ref anno1_inputs 0))

;; edge1

(annotation:member-name anno1 edge1)

;; "profile"

(entity:set-color edge1 6)

;; ()

(define edge2 (list-ref anno1_inputs 1))

;; edge2

(annotation:member-name anno1 edge2)

;; "path"

; Get the outputs for this annotation

(define anno1_outputs (annotation:outputs anno1))

;; anno1_outputs

(annotation:member-name anno1

(list-ref anno1_outputs 0))

;; "lateral_face"

(annotation:member-name anno1 face1)

;; "lateral_face"

; Find member names of a specific entity for

; all the associated annotations.

(entity:annotation-names edge1)

;; ("profile" "profile" "profile" "profile")

(entity:annotation-names edge2)

;; ("path" "path" "path" "path" "path" "path" "path"

;; "path" "path" "path" "path" "path" "path" "path"

;; "path" "path")

Figure 12-1. annotation:member-name